Hall of Fame - 2011 Competitive Cheer Team

Hall Of Fame - Ryan McCarthy

Hall of Fame - Jeff Karasinski

Hall of Fame - Rose & Sam Weatherwax

Hall of Fame - Tim Johnson

Volleyball 2024-25

Boys Soccer Team 2024-25
Volleyball 2024-25

Marching Band 2024-25

CP Patriot Game

Patriot Game 2024-25

Marching Band 2024-25
CP Cheer 2024-25

Marching Band 2024-25

Boys Cross Country 24-25

Color Guard 2024-25

Girls Golf State Finals - Quinn Clement

CP Football 2024-25

V. Football 2024-25

Hall of Fame - Nomination Form
The Comstock Park High School Athletic Hall of Fame was created to honor the best athletes and coaches in the history of this school. We hope this is considered a great honor for those inducted. Another purpose of “The Hall” is to establish a standard of excellence that our present student athletes and coaches will emulate. We hope that by honoring our most respected people in Comstock Park sports history, we will motivate our present athletes and coaches to strive to do their very best. THE CRITERIA FOR A PERSON'S NOMINATION IS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Athlete - Must have been one of the top athletes in their conference/All-Conference where applicable. - Must be a graduate from Comstock Park High School, have had a positive influence and brought honor to CPHS. - Graduated from CPHS ten years prior to induction. 2.
More About Hall of Fame - Nomination Form
Spring 2025 Junior Kickers
Spring Junior Kickers are starting. Don't miss out!!
More About Spring 2025 Junior Kickers
NW Youth Soccer Association 2025 Spring Season
Winter Season Info: 2024-25 Winter Period - NW Youth Soccer Association Spring Season Info: 2025 Spring Season - NW Youth Soccer Association
More About NW Youth Soccer Association 2025 Spring Season
Jan Gillette CP Athletic Booster Scholarship
A $500 scholarship will be awarded to one male and one female student-athlete at CP sponsored by the CP Athletic Booster Club in honor long time Athletic Director Jan Gillette. The application is due by March 1st. 1. Students must be enrolled and participating in interscholastic athletic at Comstock Park Public Schools. 2. Student must be a senior graduating during the 2023-2024 school year. 3. Student must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of at least a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. You may NOT round up a 2.9 GPA for the purposes of qualifying. Five Application Sections: --Essay (30%) Submit an essay including your definition of sportsmanship, an experience you had as a CP athlete that illustrates your definition of sportsmanship and why sportsmanship is important in educational athletics. Please keep essays to 500 words or less. --Athletics (30%) participation, achievement, awards and leadership positions. --E
More About Jan Gillette CP Athletic Booster Scholarship
Final Forms - CP Athletes and Parents
Comstock Park Public Schools Athletic Department has partnered with FinalForms is an online forms and data management service. It allows you to complete and sign athletic participation forms for your students. and saves data from season-to-season and year-to-year, meaning that you will never need to enter the same information twice! FinalForms also pre-populates information wherever possible, for each of your students, saving you time. You may review your data at any time to verify it is current. You will be required to sign your forms once per year and after any update. We are asking that ALL parents and athletes of Mill Creek Middle School and Comstock Park High School use FinalForms to register for ALL sports. See Forms/Links for more info and register at: https://comstockpark-mi.finalforms.com . Follow the prompts to create the parent/guardian account, create your students account and sign each form.
More About Final Forms - CP Athletes and Parents
Rich Bosowski Scholarship for Athletes of All Ages
Rich Bosowski was one of the biggest sports fans you would ever cross paths with in life. From watching his kids and grandkids play to participating himself, Rich had a passion for sports. Because of that passion for sports Rich valued supporting kids and families to ensure they could play as well. In Rich's name, honor and spirit Mrs. Katie Lipner has funded the Rich Bosowski Scholarship to support Comstock Park students and athletes of all ages. This scholarship is awarded three times annually to financially support kids and families participation in athletics. The deadlines for nominations are: September 1, January 1 and April 1. All expenses associated with athletic participation are eligible including, but not limited to shoes, sport specific equipment and/or participation fees. Scholarship recipients will be determined by the Comstock Park Athletic Boosters Executive Board and awarded through the Comstock Park Athletic B
More About Rich Bosowski Scholarship for Athletes of All Ages